Sunday, November 18, 2012

Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita

What if... Your picture was taped inside teenage boys' lockers across America, your closets were bursting with never-worn designer clothing, and the tabloids constantly asked whether you were losing your "good girl" status?

It's a glamorous life, but sixteen-year-old Kaitlin Burke, costar of one of the hottest shows on TV, is exhausted from the pressures of fame. Then she hits on an outrageously daring solution, one that has to remain top secret or it will jeopardize everything she's ever worked for. (from GoodReads)

So Secrets of My Hollywood Life has been on my bookshelf for almost four years now. I finally got around to reading it! I'm kinda mad I waited this long because it was actually really good but now I'm so behind in the series.

Many people have wondered what it's like being famous, and in Secrets of My Hollywood Life we get a taste of that. The way Jen Calonita portrayed Kaitlin and the life of a teen star seemed pretty realistic. She has to deal with crazy parents, overbearing manager and a hectic schedule but she also gets perks such as free clothes and invites to all the premieres. However, Kaitlin (like most people) wants what she doesn't have and decides to enroll at a high school and be a normal girl.

I knew all this going into the book, but I had no idea that she actually wore a disguise! That seemed a little over the top but I love She's the Man, so I went along with it. The fact that Kaitlin is pretending to be someone else is hilarious and adds a few laughs to the story. This book is a few years old and it was so funny hearing Kaitlin rave about the Sidekick. I remember when those were big! Now she'd have the iPhone 5.

Secrets of My Hollywood Life was pretty light and fun, but I really enjoyed it. I didn't think I'd want to continue the series at first, but now I'm looking forward to reading the next book. I better get started - this series has 6!

Rating: 8 out of 10.
FTC: birthday gift.

2007/Poppy/256 pages.


We Heart YA said...

Sounds like a fun read! We often used to imagine what it would be like to be famous... but ultimately we decided we liked our pokey little lives instead. Privacy and freedom and normality and all that. ;P

Still, it could be fun to live vicariously...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have this one, but have not yet read it. Thank you for the great review. I will have to give it a try.
- The Reading-ista