Top Ten Tuesday was started by
The Broke and the Bookish for bloggers who like to make lists about books.
Top Ten Books to Get into the Halloween Spirit
Down a Dark Hall by Lois Duncan
This book freaked me out! It's essentially a ghost story and I was actually afraid to go to sleep while I was reading this. Granted, I was in middle school, but still.
2. Stranger With My Face by Lois Duncan
Another favorite of Lois Duncan, this book was really creepy as someone is impersonating the main character and looks just like her! Lifetime recently made an original movie out of this book.
3. I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan
This is the last Lois Duncan book, I swear! She is such a good author, though! This book is way better than the movie and just a good, suspenseful read.
4. The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson
I read this when I was really young (maybe 10?). After reading it I decided never to read horror again because I was so scared. Not sure how the book would be now but then I was thoroughly freaked out. The movie is pretty similar to the book, but wasn't as scary.
5. Goosebumps Series by R.L. Stine
I loved these books so much! They aren't that scary now but when I was in elementary school they definitely were.
6. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
Not super frightening but definitely eerie. Would you want to hear the echoes of dead bodies? I didn't think so.
7. Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
This isn't scary in the conventional sense but it's apocalyptic and has a hopeless feel to it.
8. Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann
This book wasn't super scary either, but the ending was so creepy!
9. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz
Another favorite from my childhood; I loved these stories. And some of the pictures were really scary, too!
10. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
The zombies or "Unconsecrated" are really creepy in this. Another apocalyptic and hopeless novel.