Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - 16

Top Ten Tuesday was started by Breaking the Spine for bloggers who like books and lists.

Top Ten Books I'd Recommend to Someone Who Doesn't Read Dystopias
Dystopian literature is probably my favorite genre, so I thought that I'd share some good books that fit into this category!

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Sorry for the super obvious choice, but I had to include this since it's one of my favorites. Now that the movie is close to being released, a lot more people are reading The Hunger Games, which is great!

2. Divergent by Veronica Roth
I loved this so much! Very action-packed and interesting premise with the factions (think Harry Potter being sorted into a House, but you get to pick).

3. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
Very bleak and almost apocalyptic, but kept me turning the pages! I liked the polygamy aspect as well as the fact that people only live to their twenties.

4. Blood Red Road by Moira Young
The writing threw me at first, but I came to love the sparseness and the misspellings - it added color to an already amazing novel.

5. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
A society that believes that love is a disease? It's as good as it sounds!

6. The Giver by Lois Lowry
The first dsytopian I ever read (5th grade!) so it has a special place in my heart, aside from being one of my favorite books.

7. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
The second dystopian I ever read, so this is dear to me, too. Uglies features a society that turns its citizens beautiful at the age of 16. Sounds awesome? Think again.

8. 1984 by George Orwell
This is pretty much the epitome of a dystopia novel and was supposed to be a prediction for our world.

9. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I read this for a research paper and enjoyed it very much. Reading classic dystopian literature is always an interesting experience.

10. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
This book features a religious theocracy where women have no rights. Pretty freaky if you ask me.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I really like dystopian novels but still haven't read most of the books on your list. Need to fix that...

Come check out my TT: http://amandalynsbooks.blogspot.com/2012/01/top-ten-tuesdays-books-id-recommend-to.html